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Evelina Ferrar

Dopolnilni pouk slovenščine za otroke

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Tudi v šolskem letu 2023/24 bo potekal dopolnilni pouk slovenščine, katerega cilj je ohranjanje in razvijanje slovenščine pri Slovencih po svetu. Pouk je namenjen predšolskim in šoloobveznim otrokom (od 4. leta dalje) s slovenskimi koreninami.

Pouk začasno poteka na daljavo. Na spletu bo potekal pouk s starejšimi učenci ob ponedeljkih zvečer, z mlajšimi učenci pa ob sobotah dopoldne in zgodaj popoldne.

Za več informacij vas vabimo, da se obrnete na učiteljico slovenščine, Urško Rozman. E-naslov:

Dopolnilni pouk slovenščine v tujini financira in organizira Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport RS, v sodelovanju z Zavodom RS za šolstvo, ki nudi strokovno podporo.


Štipendije za študij v Republiki Sloveniji za Slovence po svetu

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Javni štipendijski, razvojni, invalidski in preživninski sklad Republike Slovenije je objavil javni razpis za dodelitev štipendij za študij v Republiki Sloveniji za Slovence v zamejstvu in Slovence po svetu za študijsko leto 2023/2024. Rok prijave je do vključno 30. 9. 2023.

Besedilo razpisa je v priponki, vse informacije pa so dostopne tudi na spletni strani sklada:

Slovene language evening courses

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Are you ready to start or continue studying Slovene? Join Slovene language evening courses starting in October 2023 at UCL School of Slavonic & East European Studies

These small interactive courses are designed for adults and develop conversation skills without losing sight of the fundamentals of grammar. They are ideal for anyone interested in the rich culture and unique language of Slovenia.

All courses are scheduled to run 6:30-8:30pm online and will start in the week commencing 9th of October.

This year we will be offering the following courses:
Beginners (Tuesdays)
Lower Intermediate (Thursdays)
Upper Intermediate (Wednesdays)
Advanced (Mondays)

More information about the Slovene courses can be found HERE

If you are interested, please enrol HERE

The courses will be taught by Maja Rančigaj Beneš (Lower Intermediate and Advanced course) and Romana Šuštar (Beginners and Upper Intermediate course). For more information contact Maja Rančigaj Beneš, Slovene language lector:

Organized with support by:



Plaque unveiled in Ljubljana’s Hotel Slon marking Admiral Nelson’s visit in 1800

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At the invitation of the British Ambassador, HE Tiffany SadlerHotel Slon and the Nelson Society, a ceremony and reception took place on Sept 7th 2023 to commemorate Admiral Lord Nelson’s visit to Slovenia and his stay in Ljubljana’s only hotel at the time (Hotel Slon).

A plaque was unveiled in the lobby of Hotel Slon, marking the visit by the famous British naval commander in 1800.

The occasion was moderated by Keith Miles, OBE, honorary president of The British Slovene Society.

A Naval Ceremonial Guard stood alongside the plaque as the Slovenian and British National Anthems were played by the Slovenian Armed Forces Military Band – Brass Quintet.

The plaque was unveiled by Slovenia’s Brigadier General Milan Žurman and Ambassador Tiffany Sadler.



Big turnout for Bled Folklore ensemble at the BSS Picnic in Henley

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The sun shone, the rain held off and some 75 people turned out on Sunday 9th July for the British-Slovene Society’s annual picnic in Henley alongside the traditional Slovene hayrack (kozolec). The hayrack looked so authentic that it might have been there for 100 years or so. In fact, it was erected by artisans from Slovenia only 18 months ago.


A 22-strong Bled Folklore ensemble came over from Slovenia to help us celebrate the 30th anniversary of our Society with great verve and style. Dancers, musicians and singers led by Deputy Mayor Iztok Pesrl created a true Slovene veselica (village feast), whooping and whirling around in their period costumes. Jovial village women invited somewhat shy Britons to join them in the dance – and none refused. To round the festivities off, Kaja Pečnik’s UK Slovene Choir sang the Slovenian national anthem and other rousing Slovene songs.


It was delightful to welcome the large delegation from Bled, since that beautiful town alongside a lake surrounded by mountains is twinned with Henley-on-Thames, where the famous regatta has just finished. Henley’s Mayor and several Councillors turned out to join in the merry-making. Families came with children, who could take part in a painting workshop.


We are grateful to the Office for Slovenians Abroad for their financial support in celebrating our 30th anniversary.

Picnic with music and dance in Henley this Sunday 9th July from 12 midday

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Slovenes and friends and family are invited to join us at our Annual Picnic on Sunday 9th July beside the new kozolec (Slovene hayrack) on Gillotts Field, Greys Road, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1RZ.

To help us celebrate our Society’s 30th anniversary, folklore dancers and musicians from Bled in Slovenia will create a true veselica (village feast) for us. Accompanying them are Deputy Mayor Iztok Pesrl, former Mayor Janez Fajfar and an Olympic medallist in rowing Jani Kovačič. Bled is twinned with Henley, so they will be renewing longstanding friendships with Henley people.


The pictures show Folklorno društvo Rudija Jedretiča Ribno and Glasbena skupina Šuštarji.

We will also have a painting workshop for children as part of an art competition called »This is Slovenia« launched by the National Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia.  Children will be invited to  paint the little Slovenia which will be created on the spot. You can bring your paints. The best pictures will be rewarded and sent on to Slovenia.

Bring friends, children, dogs, balls, food for yourself and others and enjoy a party by the kozolec we erected last year. There is plenty of space for children to play and run around.

If anybody needs transport from Henley railway station please inform in advance by email  or call 07584 199177.

We look forward to welcoming you!



Slovenes and the 430th anniversary of victory over the Ottomans

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430 years have passed since the famous victory of the Slovenes over the Ottomans at Sisak. This account was published in Slovenia by the periodical Demokracija.

Victorious Battle of Sisak, in which the Slovenes also defeated the Sultan’s army. (Photo: Facebook)

On 22 June 430 years ago, the famous battle of Sisak took place between Christian and Ottoman armies. The battle ended with the victory of the Christian  Imperial forces led by General Baron Ruprecht von Eggenberg. One of the leaders of the Christian army was the noble Andrej Auersperg Turjaški, commander-in-chief of Vojna Krajina. Since it was Slovenes (Carniolans, Carinthians and Styrians) who were mostly responsible for the victory, historiography records the battle as a great victory for Slovenes over the Turks. 

In this battle in 1593  the Turks are said to have lost up to 10,000 men and the Christian forces only between 40 and 50). The bulk of the Turkish (Ottoman) forces thereafter shifted towards Central Europe and Vienna. As a result, major Turkish incursions into the territory of Vojna Krajina, Carniola, Carinthia and Styria came to an end, and the military pressure on Slovenian lands was relieved.

Conflicts in the Western Balkans became more intense after the Ottoman Sultan Murat III made peace with Persia in 1590. Austrian Emperor Rudolf II reached a truce after sending diplomatic envoys to Murat’s court, but the 8-year peace agreed did not last. Already the following year, under pressure from military circles at his court, Murat appointed Hasan Pasha Predojević as commander of Ottoman forces. He came from Herzegovina, born into the Serbian Predojević clan. In his youth, Nikola was taken to the Sultan’s court in Constantinople, where he was renamed Hasan.

Hasan captured the important fortress of Bihać on his way to the West. In 1592, he had the Yeni Hisar (Petrinja) fortress built. From there he planned an attack on Sisak.

Construction of the Sisak Fortress began in 1544 and was completed in a few years. When Predojević was given the task to destroy Sisak, he camped by Kolpa with 12.000 warriors and began a siege. In response to the attack a Christian army was formed, numbering approximately 5,000 men, who came from the Croatian and Slavonian Krajišnica forts, Banska Croatia and the hinterland of Slovene lands.

The Christian army made a calculated move and trapped the Turkish troops between two rivers. This caused a disorder in Ottoman ranks, and they came under attack by soldiers from the fortress they had been besieging. The Carniolan nobleman Andrej Auersperg Turjaški, who led the arquebusiers (units armed with arquebus guns), played a prominent role in the victory.

The Turkish forces fled in panic and were pushed back to Kolpa. There a large number of them drowned, including the commander Hasan pasha Predojević. The battle lasted only an hour.

Hasan’s coat, kept by the National Museum of Slovenia. Source: National Museum of Slovenia.

That it was the people of Carniola who did the most to win the battle over the Turks is evidenced by a historic relic. The greatest trophy of the battle, Hasan’s cloak, belonged to Andrej Turjaški. The cloak became the property of Ljubljana Cathedral and is part of the legacy inventory of Bishop Tomaž Hren  from 1630. Hren had Hasan’s mantle made into a mantle for Masses in Ljubljana Cathedral. Today, the cloak is in the National Museum in Ljubljana.

The victors seized abundant booty. Besides the cloak, it consisted of 39 cannons, 10 Turkish flags, many weapons, a helmet with rich ornaments, jewels, gold, and Hasan Pasha’s tent with valuables.