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Evelina Ferrar

British-Slovene Society membership dues are due

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Dear Members and Supporters,

We wish you all a Happy New Year! The time has come around to renew your membership to the British-Slovene Society. Annual payments are now due, and we would much appreciate if you would arrange this promptly. To those who have already done so, many thanks.

We remind you that, as notified on 13th December, new rates apply:

FAMILY (maximum 5) £40

If you are not yet a Member, and have British or Slovene connections, do consider joining! You would be most welcome. Among the advantages you will enjoy is a reduced price for our payable events, including the 2025 Prešeren Evening with Andrej Šifrer in London on March 8th. Through membership you will be supporting a vibrant community promoting friendship, with activities taking place throughout the year.

You have a choice of three means of payment:

  1. By direct electronic transfer to The British-Slovene Society’s bank account with Natwest, Sort Code 60-20-36, Account Number 51197685, IBAN: GB67NWBK60203651197685, BIC: NWBKGB2L. Put your name in the reference field. Please consider setting up a Standing Order. This will save you time and trouble next year.
  2. Or you can pay by PayPal by going to and following the instructions. This is also where you can apply to become a Member.
  3. Or by cheque made out to The British-Slovene Society and sent to the Treasurer, Andrej Ogorevc, 10 Rogers Court, 5 Premiere Place, London E14 8SF, e-mail:

If you already pay by Standing Order, please ensure you have adjusted it to take into account the new rates.

A Message from your Chairwoman

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The sudden loss of our Chairman, David Lloyd, has saddened us all, but we look back on a year in which we have continued to celebrate and nurture our friendship.

In March, Vlado Kreslin, one of Slovenia’s top performers, enthralled us at our annual Prešeren dinner in London. In July, a Slovenian folklore group sang and danced at our picnic in Henley, where we have erected a traditional Slovenian kozolec (hayrack).  And last week, members packed St. Martin Ludgate Church in London for our annual carol service.

Michael Žmahar and James Walker have joined as new Trustees, and have already proved their worth. Next year, we can look forward to a Prešeren evening with Andrej Šifrer (8th March), picnic in Henley (6th July), and carol service (5th December). PLUS a new event: entertainment by Slovene standup comic Tin Vodopivec in London (23rd October).

Members are invited to attend our online AGM on 27 February. Our financial year now ends on 31st December instead of 30th September.

Membership dues have remained unchanged since the Society’s earliest years. The Board of Trustees have now reluctantly decided we must raise them to take into account the rising costs of our activities. As Trustees, we strive to keep spending under strict control, and we serve without remuneration.

From 2025 the annual rates for individuals will be £25, for families up to five £40, full-time students £15, and corporates £150.

If you have a Standing Order, please adjust it accordingly. By your membership, you help the British-Slovene Society continue to flourish in its mission of fostering friendship and mutual support.

Our community consists of everybody who feels connected with Slovenia or Slovenes. Do come and join our events, become members and continue to  support each other and our Society. Every individual matters!

On behalf of our Board of Trustees, I send you warm wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

Evelina Ferrar

Joyful singing, reading and potica at British-Slovene Society Carol Service

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The British-Slovene Society once again filled St. Martin-Ludgate Church in London for our annual Christmas service of Carols and Readings on Friday 6th December.

Readers of the Bible’s Christmas story ranged in age from seven to over eighty: carols and readings alternated between Slovene and English. Organist Aljoša Skorja once again made the 17th century organ loft resonate with his mighty chords, ably assisted by singers Jessica Parnell, Lucy Peck and Maria Jurd.  Marija joined violinist Nikola Pajanović on the piano for a moving rendition of Gounod’s Ave Maria.


The new Slovenian Ambassador the UK, Sanja Štiglic, was present, and kindly donated Slovene wine for the social gathering afterwards, for which we are most grateful. Our thanks also go to the Sekne family in Šenčur, who donated seven kilos of potica – their daughter Zala graduated at Oxford and Cambridge. And to the Office for Slovenes Abroad for their ongoing support.

The service was introduced for the first time by Chairwoman Evelina Ferrar, who spoke of our sadness at the sudden death of her predecessor, David Lloyd. Our new Trustee, James Walker, took responsibility for practical arrangements, ably assisted by his wife Brigita. A collection raised £235 for Barka, a Slovenian charity for people with special needs.

That we can hold such a happy gathering owes much to the kindness of the Venerable Luke Miller, priest of this beautiful Christopher Wren Church. He officiated the service movingly – and gave us a fine example how to make one’s voice resonate in a building with tricky acoustics.


Reminder: BSS Christmas Carol Service in London 6th December

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The BSS warmly invites you to our annual Christmas Carol Service on Friday 6th December 2024, at 7 pm. We will gather again in the Church of St Martin Ludgate, 40 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7DE.

Do come and join in our service of carols and readings in English and Slovene. If you would like to do a reading, that would be most welcome. Contact BSS Trustee James Walker:  Afterwards there will be a chance to catch up with friends over potica (offered by the Society) and Christmas drinks.

There is no charge but a collection is taken to support the work of the Barka charity in Slovenia.

Nearby stations are City Thameslink, Blackfriars and St Paul’s.

City Thameslink has very long platforms with exits at both ends.  For St Martin Ludgate, take the exit at the southern end of the platform  to avoid a long walk. 


We are grateful to the Office for Slovenians Abroad for their financial support

Vlado Kreslin live in concert, London, 21 November

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Come to a one-off London concert by Slovenian singer Vlado Kreslin – poet, lyricist and performer much-loved in Slovenia and beyond.

Thursday 21 November 2024 at 8 pm
Doors open: 7:30pm

Conway Hall
25 Red Lion Square
London WC1R 4RL


Vlado Kreslin in one of the best-known Slovenian musicians and songwriters, playing his own unique mix of Blues mixed with folk music. He has been referred to as an ‘ethno-revivalist’, modernising traditional songs, and drawing on the rich traditions and ethnic heritage of his homeland and across the region. He is frequently performs worldwide and has opened twice for Bob Dylan and other world acts, such as R.E.M., the Dubliners, Allan Taylor and the Barcelona Gypsy and Klezmer Orchestra.

In addition to performing songs in his native Slovenian, Kreslin’s repertoire also includes English and Irish folksongs, sevdah from Bosnia, Italian ballads and folk songs in dialects such as Istrian and Littoral.

Organised by Istros Books & Založba Kreslin

Martinovanje and memoir writing at Slovenski dom in London 16 November

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Slovenski dom in London is inviting for Martinovanje (the traditional Slovene festival of new wine) on 16th November at 5:30 pm. 

They will offer food and drinks but you can contribute a goody or two yourself. Teddy will play renowned Slovene compositions on his accordeon.

Reserve your place at or the phone and whatsapp number +44 736 5353 900. Address: 62 Offley Road, London SW9 0LS

Martinovanje will be preceded by a creative memoir writing workshop  with Marta Maretich at 4 pm. There are still a few places available.


The Slovenian Catholic Chaplaincy in London also organises regular masses in London. They take place every fourth Sunday in a month at 5 pm.

Once a month they also organise Slovene hours for children. The present group comprises children from 1 to 11 years. There is room for a few more children.

List of other events in Slovenski dom in London till the end of this year:

Sunday 17th November at 10:30 am: Slovene hours for children

Sunday 24th November at 5 pm – Slovene mass

Saturday 7th December at 11:00 am – Slovene St. Nicholas for children

Sunday 15th December  at 5 pm – Slovene social evening with film

Sunday 22nd December  at 5 pm – Slovene mass


Reminder: Martinovanje in Cambridge , 9 November

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VTIS  Great Britain is organising  Martinovanje in Quy Village Hall near Cambridge.  Main St, Stow cum Quy, Cambridge CB25 9AB (G-Maps location: TUKAJ)

Presentation of studies at Slovenian universities

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Information from the Office for Slovenians Abroad concerning a presentation of their studies by Slovenian universities:

Vse, ki zanima študij v Sloveniji, vabimo na spletno predstavitev študija na slovenskih univerzah. Predstavitev, ki jo pripravlja ekipa Study in Slovenia, bo v petek, 22. novembra 2024, ob 14. uri in je namenjena prav Slovencem v zamejstvu in po svetu.

V okviru predstavitev vam bodo predstavili uporabne informacije glede študija in življenja v Sloveniji. Prav tako boste imeli priložnost, da se preko spleta srečate s predstavniki Univerze v Ljubljani (UL), Univerze v Mariboru (UM), Univerze na Primorskem (UP) in Univerze v Novi Gorici (UNG), Univerze v Novem mestu (UNM) in Nove univerze.

Predstavitev bo potekala v slovenskem jeziku.

Če bi želeli prisluhniti predstavitvi v angleščini, predlagamo, da se virtualno povežete z organizatorji v četrtek, 21. novembra, ob 14. uri. Za prijavitelje iz Zahodnega Balkana je na voljo tudi predstavitev v sredo, 20. novembra, ob 14. uri.

Za udeležbo na predstavitvah se je potrebno prijaviti prek spletne prijavnice.


Come to BSS Christmas Carol Service in London 6th December

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The BSS warmly invites you to our annual Christmas Carol Service on Friday 6th December 2024, at 7 pm. We will gather again in the Church of St Martin Ludgate, 40 Ludgate Hill, London EC4M 7DE.

Do come and join in our service of carols and readings in English and Slovene. If you would like to do a reading, that would be most welcome. Contact BSS Trustee James Walker:  Afterwards there will be a chance to catch up with friends over potica (offered by the Society) and Christmas drinks.

There is no charge but a collection is taken to support the work of the Barka charity in Slovenia.

Nearby stations are City Thameslink, Blackfriars and St Paul’s.

City Thameslink has very long platforms with exits at both ends.  For St Martin Ludgate, take the exit at the southern end of the platform  to avoid a long walk. 


We are grateful to the Office for Slovenians Abroad for their financial support