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The British-Slovene Society facilitates contacts between Slovenes in the United Kingdom and their friends in this country. It promotes knowledge about Slovenia in the UK and promotes cultural, educational and other relations between the two countries.

First page

Andrej Šifer rallies his British friends at Prešeren Evening

       »For Friends« -- »Za Prijatelje''. To a delighted audience, Andrej Šifrer concluded his performance with his most famous hit from a long career as one of Slovenia's leading singers. It was an apt choice for the British Slovene Society's annual Prešeren Evening at the Ambassadors Bloomsbury hotel in London on 8th March. Friendship between our two peoples – that is the mission of our Society. Ninety grown-ups and a baby enjoyed a…
Evelina Ferrar
March 13, 2025
February 28, 2025 in First page

Deadline extended for Prešeren Evening on 8th March – extra tombola prizes

                                                                  We have extended the deadline for applying to attend the Prešeren Evening on Saturday 8th March. By agreement with the hotel, there is still time to get in your application. But do sign up now! It will be a fine evening -…
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February 20, 2025 in First page

Invitation to an international competitition to create beehive panels

The ANTON JANŠA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in Radovlica invites applications for an international competitition to produce children's paintings illustrating bees. The school is named after a Slovene teacher at the Viennese royal court who contributed greatly to the significance of beekeeping. The U.N. has designated his brthday on 20 May as World Bee Day. You are invited to create diverse beehive panels reflecting the culture and creativitye of different parts of Europe.     INTRODUCTION We…
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February 7, 2025 in First page

Marko Pogačnik (27 February) and Evald Flisar (13 March) present their books in London

The publisher Istros Books has informed us of two events presenting Slovenian authors Marko Pogačnik and Evald Flisar: The Wisdom of Fairy Tales Thursday 27 February 7pm - 8.30pm Talk and book launch with Marko Pogacnik Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London, NW1 6XT | T: +44 (0) 20 7723 4400 Join us for this rare visit from Marko and the launch of his new book which will take place after the talk, Grimm’s Fairy…
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Trimo is one of Europe’s leading companies offering complete building envelope solutions in the area of fireproof roofs and innovative, flexible, functional and energy-efficient architectural building envelope solutions.Expert knowledge, sustainability, reliability and a focus on the future are all basic components that have taken Trimo around the world. Today Trimo sells its building envelope systems and services under its own brand across more than 100 countries worldwide with more than 50 million m2 facades and roofs sold to more than 20 thousand customers and partners. It has established a sales network in almost 30 countries and has production facilities in Slovenia and Serbia. Portfolio of their partners includes companies such as Airbus, London Heathrow Airport, Nestle, Philips, DHL, Porsche, IKEA, Prologis, Mercedes Benz, Coca Cola and many others.Since its formation in 1961, Trimo has established itself as one of Europe’s leading companies developing original and complete building envelope systems (facades and roofs) and modular space solutions.The company’s excellent reputation for innovation, quality and customer support continues to impress as new markets and new opportunities are explored.



ELAN, d.o.o., a member of the KJK SPORTS group, is a modern manufacturer of top sports and leisure equipment, and advanced composites. The company’s headquarters in Begunje na Gorenjskem also manage subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, Germany, and Japan. With around 700 employees, we generate around 90 million euros of revenue annually.

See Elan website:



consultant | creative and art director | designer & illustrator Robert Kuhar is one of Slovenia’s foremost corporate designers. He creates visual design, branding and logos for official bodies and companies large and small.In 2008, he created the visual design for Slovenia’s Presidency of the European Union, and also for the state visit to Slovenia by HM Queen Elizabeth II. He has worked for Lek Sandoz, Iskra, Adria Airways, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Elan, Slovenian government ministries, and a wide range of other entities in Slovenia and abroad. 
  • Robert Kuhar Corporate Design® provides top-quality consultancy, preparation, management, creation and execution of complex projects in the areas of visual perception, identification and communication.
  • He is a Designer of communications, things and events on all levels.
  • His clients are top companies, and respected institutions and individuals in Slovenia and abroad.
  • If required for individual projects, he draws on the services of associates with a broad range of focused complementary skills.
  • In his first year of university, he became the first storyboard artist for Slovene advertising spots.
  • As an undergraduate student, he won tenders for the visual images of the Portorož seaside resort and the coat of arms of Grosuplje; designed first graphical visual identity systems; worked as an illustrator.
  • Graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts, with a project in graphical visual identity based on his own creations.
  • Worked as a freelance, later creating his own company.
  • Acquired extensive knowledge and experience in video, graphical and internet production, as well as business management.
  • NUK National and University Library (consultancy, identity system and applications of the central cultural event at the entrance SLO in the EU: an exhibition of Slovenian culture Birth Certificate – original Freising, Stična, Čedad and Celovški manuscripts – competition, identity system, layouts and applications of exhibitions Trubarjev and Ungnad gift to Europe + New Trubar – competition, designing of a monography Treasures of the library)
  • The General Secretariat of the Government (Identity system of Partnerships Slovenian Presidency of the EU 2008, applications, consultancy)
  • Prime Minister’s Office (Identity system of the green border SLO / HR – contest, Gov.scoreboard 2010, Gov. press conference backgrounds, apps)
  • Office for Communications (Creative management, identity system and applications of Slovenian Presidency of the EU, the introduction of EURO 07 events, the event identity of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II. 08, event identity of the 20 07 presidential elections, projects: the EU, NATO – competition, consultancy)
  • The Ljubljana Stock Exchange CEESEG (identity system and aplications and the sub-brand system – competition, consultancy)
  • Slovenian sovereign holding exSOD  (applications)
  • Ivančna Gorica (municipality as a destination, concept and identity system, applications, consultancy)
  • Telekom Slovenia (internal weekly and monthly in-house magazine, cartoon TIC, applications)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Identity system of the event Mediterranean Meeting of Ministers of 07)
  • Association Femmes d’Europe Aisbl Brussels (applications)
  • The Council of Europe Brussels (applications)
  • Wiener Staedtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Branch Slovenia (internet, intranet apps.)
  • Iskra Sistemi (Urban Knight – traffic radar design, consultancy)
  • TEM (identity concept of brand Touch, applications, consultancy)
  • Belimed (grand new HQ&prod. opening, applications, consulting)
  • Lek Sandoz (identity system of Lek dd, sub-brands, all applications, illustrations, consultancy)
  • Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia (Exhibition of PEU08)
  • Chamber of Craft of Slovenia (Image of business license applications, applications)
  • Consulate of New Zealand in Slovenia (applications)
  • RAN, dentistry (visual identity system, applications, internet, consultancy)
  • ELVEZ (identity system, internet, applications, illustrations, korpo video, consultancy)
  • Bankart (identity system Bankart, applications)
  • Emporium – Magistrat International (applications)
  • Grosuplje (identity system Grosuplje – competition)
  • The Association of Public Relations Slovenia (identity systems Primus, Skoj, Prizma, conferences, applications, consultancy)
  • Cankarjev dom (applications)
  • The Ministry of Work and Family RS (applications)
  • The Ministry of the Economy (applications)
  • Society of Geneva Slovenes (internet)
  • British-Slovene Society (Identity system, internet, applications)
  • Trade Union of Workers of transport and communications Slovenia (visual identity system, applications)
  • ZSSS (applications)
  • Marcus Ferrar Business Communications (applications)
  • Family Resort Podgora (identity system, applications, advertising, consultancy)
  • Gallery ARS (applications)
  • Novo Nordisk (advertising on the 15yr in Slo)
  • Adria Airways (applications)
  • Elan (applications)
  • DDC (applications)
  • BTC (applications)
  • DrogaKolinska exDroga (identity system, applications)
  • Zavarovalnica Maribor (applications)
  • FIMARA (visual identity system FIMAR doo applications)
  • Višnja Gora (Jubilee, image, slogan, applications)
  • City swimming pool Višnja Gora (identity, applications, consultancy)
  • SDE Slovenia (visual identity system SDE Slovenia, consultancy)
  • KNG Slovenia (applications, illustrations)
  • Etc
 In Slovene, with links to some visuals:
  • NUK Nacionalna in univerzitetna knjižnica (Svetovanje, Projekt podobe osrednjega kulturnega dogodka ob vstopu SLO v EU: razstava Rojstni list slovenske kulture– izvirniki Brižinskih, Stiških, Čedadskih in Celovških rokopisov – natečaj GG, Projekt podobe, postavitve in aplikacij razstave Trubarjev in Ungnadov dar Evropi + Novi Trubar – natečaj G, podoba monografije Zakladi NUK G)
  • Generalni Sekretariat Vlade RS (Projekt sistema vidne podobe Partnerstva Slovenskega Predsedovanja EU 2008, svetovanje, aplikacije)
  • Kabinet predsednika Vlade RS (Podoba zelene meje SLO/HR – natečaj, Semafor vlade 2010, press ozadja) GG
  • Urad Vlade RS za komuniciranje (Kreativno vodenje, sistem podobe in aplikacije Predsedovanja Slovenije EUSG, prireditev uvedbe EVRA 07 GG, podoba obiska britanske kraljice Elizabete II. 08, podoba predsedniških volitev07, projekti: EU G, NATO – natečaj, svetovanje)
  • Ljubljanska Borza CEESEG (Sistem in kreativno vodenje vidne podobe Lj.Borza d.d. in sistem podznamk G, aplikacije G– natečaj, svetovanje) G
  • Občina Ivančna Gorica (Koncept, sistem podobe destinacije, aplikacije) G
  • Telekom Slovenije (podoba in izvedbe internega tednika, interni mesečnik, strip Tič G)
  • Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS (Podoba in postavitev dogodka Srečanje mediteranskih ministrov 07) G
  • Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l., Brussels (aplikacije)
  • Svet Evrope (aplikacije)
  • Wiener Staedtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Podružnica Slovenija (internet, intranet, )
  • Iskra Sistemi (Urbani vitez)
  • TEM (Korporativni koncept, znamka Touch, aplikacije, svetovanje)
  • Belimed (Otvoritev, aplikacije, svetovanje)
  • Lek Sandoz (Sistem in kreativno vodenje vidne podobe Lek d.d. G, podznamke, vrsta aplikacij, ilustracije, svetovanje)
  • Muzejnovejše zgodovine Slovenije (razstava) G
  • Obrtna zbornica Slovenije (Podoba Obrtnega dovoljenja, aplikacije)
  • Konzulat Nove Zelandije (aplikacije) G
  • RAN, zobozdravstvo (Sistem vidne podobe, aplikacije, internet)
  • Elvez (Sistem vidne podobe Elvez d.o.o., internet, aplikacije, ilustracije, podoba objekta, korpo video,svetovanje) GGGG
  • Bankart (Sistem vidne podobe Bankart)
  • Emporium – Magistrat International (aplikacije podobe in oglaševanje) G
  • Grosuplje (Sistem vidne podobe Grosuplje – natečaj) GG
  • Društvo za odnose z javnostmi Slovenije (Sistemi vidnih podob Primus G, Skoj, Prizma, konferencG, aplikacije)
  • Cankarjev dom (aplikacije)
  • Ministrstvo za delo in družino RS (aplikacije)
  • Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo RS (aplikacije)
  • Društvo ženevskih slovencev (internet strani)
  • British-Slovene Society (Podoba, internet, aplikacije)
  • Mestno kopališče Višnja Gora (Podoba, aplikacije, svetovanje) G
  • SDE Slovenije (Sistem vidne podobe SDE Slovenije, svetovanje)
  • KNG Slovenije (aplikacije, ilustracije)
  • Sindikat delavcev prometa in zvez Slovenije (Sistem vidne podobe, aplikacije)
  • ZSSS (aplikacije)
  • Marcus Ferrar Business Communications (aplikacije)
  • Družinsko naselje Podgora (Sistem vidne podobe naselja, aplikacije, oglaševanje G, svetovanje)
  • Galerija ARS (aplikacije)
  • Novo Nordisk (oglaševanje ob 15 let v SLO)
  • AX elektronika (Sistem vidne podobe AX, aplikacije)
  • Zavarovalnica Maribor (aplikacije)
  • Fimara (Sistem vidne podobe Fimara d.o.o., aplikacije)
  • Višnja Gora (jubilej, podoba, slogan, aplikacije) G
  • Adria Airways (aplikacije) G
  • Elan (aplikacije) G
  • Forming studio (aplikacije)
  • Forming studio design (aplikacije, oglaševanje) G
  • Domodrom (oglaševanje) G
  • DDC (aplikacije)
  • BTC (aplikacije)
  • ex Studio Etic (Sistem vidne podobe Etic, aplikacije, ilustracije)
  • Mond (Sistem vidne podobe Mond d.o.o., aplikacije, oglaševanje, svetovanje)
  • ex Peras (Sistem vidne podobe Peraso. G, aplikacije, aplikacije Furla Gin Alberto Guardiani, podoba DUX G, oglaševanje G, aplikacije, svetovanje)
  • ex Emona Obala (Sistem in kreativno vodenje vidne podobe Emona Obala d.d., vrsta aplikacij – natečaj, svetovanje) GG
  • G3 spirits (aplikacije) G
  • Allied Domecq (aplikacije)
  • A7 (aplikacije)
  • Hobby program, Tukano (aplikacije)
  • Papirnica Vevče B&B (aplikacije)
  • ex Droga (aplikacije, ilustracije) G
  • Gallus Carniolus (aplikacije)
  • ex Lek Kozmetika (aplikacije, oglaševanje) GG
  • Luna, Studio Marketing (storyboard, ilustriranje)
 Art vs. designArt, even art which specifically aims to convey a specific message, is at its core an aesthetic endeavour.Design is the application of artistic principles to technology, utilising techniques proven by data to provide a measurable solution.



Trimo is one of Europe’s leading companies offering complete building envelope solutions in the area of fireproof roofs and innovative, flexible, functional and energy-efficient architectural building envelope solutions.Expert knowledge, sustainability, reliability and a focus on the future are all basic components that have taken Trimo around the world. Today Trimo sells its building envelope systems and services under its own brand across more than 100 countries worldwide with more than 50 million m2 facades and roofs sold to more than 20 thousand customers and partners. It has established a sales network in almost 30 countries and has production facilities in Slovenia and Serbia. Portfolio of their partners includes companies such as Airbus, London Heathrow Airport, Nestle, Philips, DHL, Porsche, IKEA, Prologis, Mercedes Benz, Coca Cola and many others.Since its formation in 1961, Trimo has established itself as one of Europe’s leading companies developing original and complete building envelope systems (facades and roofs) and modular space solutions.The company’s excellent reputation for innovation, quality and customer support continues to impress as new markets and new opportunities are explored.



ELAN, d.o.o., a member of the KJK SPORTS group, is a modern manufacturer of top sports and leisure equipment, and advanced composites. The company’s headquarters in Begunje na Gorenjskem also manage subsidiaries in the USA, Canada, Germany, and Japan. With around 700 employees, we generate around 90 million euros of revenue annually.

See Elan website:



consultant | creative and art director | designer & illustrator Robert Kuhar is one of Slovenia’s foremost corporate designers. He creates visual design, branding and logos for official bodies and companies large and small.In 2008, he created the visual design for Slovenia’s Presidency of the European Union, and also for the state visit to Slovenia by HM Queen Elizabeth II. He has worked for Lek Sandoz, Iskra, Adria Airways, the Ljubljana Stock Exchange, Elan, Slovenian government ministries, and a wide range of other entities in Slovenia and abroad. 
  • Robert Kuhar Corporate Design® provides top-quality consultancy, preparation, management, creation and execution of complex projects in the areas of visual perception, identification and communication.
  • He is a Designer of communications, things and events on all levels.
  • His clients are top companies, and respected institutions and individuals in Slovenia and abroad.
  • If required for individual projects, he draws on the services of associates with a broad range of focused complementary skills.
  • In his first year of university, he became the first storyboard artist for Slovene advertising spots.
  • As an undergraduate student, he won tenders for the visual images of the Portorož seaside resort and the coat of arms of Grosuplje; designed first graphical visual identity systems; worked as an illustrator.
  • Graduated from the Ljubljana Faculty of Education, Department of Fine Arts, with a project in graphical visual identity based on his own creations.
  • Worked as a freelance, later creating his own company.
  • Acquired extensive knowledge and experience in video, graphical and internet production, as well as business management.
  • NUK National and University Library (consultancy, identity system and applications of the central cultural event at the entrance SLO in the EU: an exhibition of Slovenian culture Birth Certificate – original Freising, Stična, Čedad and Celovški manuscripts – competition, identity system, layouts and applications of exhibitions Trubarjev and Ungnad gift to Europe + New Trubar – competition, designing of a monography Treasures of the library)
  • The General Secretariat of the Government (Identity system of Partnerships Slovenian Presidency of the EU 2008, applications, consultancy)
  • Prime Minister’s Office (Identity system of the green border SLO / HR – contest, Gov.scoreboard 2010, Gov. press conference backgrounds, apps)
  • Office for Communications (Creative management, identity system and applications of Slovenian Presidency of the EU, the introduction of EURO 07 events, the event identity of the visit of Queen Elizabeth II. 08, event identity of the 20 07 presidential elections, projects: the EU, NATO – competition, consultancy)
  • The Ljubljana Stock Exchange CEESEG (identity system and aplications and the sub-brand system – competition, consultancy)
  • Slovenian sovereign holding exSOD  (applications)
  • Ivančna Gorica (municipality as a destination, concept and identity system, applications, consultancy)
  • Telekom Slovenia (internal weekly and monthly in-house magazine, cartoon TIC, applications)
  • Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Identity system of the event Mediterranean Meeting of Ministers of 07)
  • Association Femmes d’Europe Aisbl Brussels (applications)
  • The Council of Europe Brussels (applications)
  • Wiener Staedtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Branch Slovenia (internet, intranet apps.)
  • Iskra Sistemi (Urban Knight – traffic radar design, consultancy)
  • TEM (identity concept of brand Touch, applications, consultancy)
  • Belimed (grand new HQ&prod. opening, applications, consulting)
  • Lek Sandoz (identity system of Lek dd, sub-brands, all applications, illustrations, consultancy)
  • Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia (Exhibition of PEU08)
  • Chamber of Craft of Slovenia (Image of business license applications, applications)
  • Consulate of New Zealand in Slovenia (applications)
  • RAN, dentistry (visual identity system, applications, internet, consultancy)
  • ELVEZ (identity system, internet, applications, illustrations, korpo video, consultancy)
  • Bankart (identity system Bankart, applications)
  • Emporium – Magistrat International (applications)
  • Grosuplje (identity system Grosuplje – competition)
  • The Association of Public Relations Slovenia (identity systems Primus, Skoj, Prizma, conferences, applications, consultancy)
  • Cankarjev dom (applications)
  • The Ministry of Work and Family RS (applications)
  • The Ministry of the Economy (applications)
  • Society of Geneva Slovenes (internet)
  • British-Slovene Society (Identity system, internet, applications)
  • Trade Union of Workers of transport and communications Slovenia (visual identity system, applications)
  • ZSSS (applications)
  • Marcus Ferrar Business Communications (applications)
  • Family Resort Podgora (identity system, applications, advertising, consultancy)
  • Gallery ARS (applications)
  • Novo Nordisk (advertising on the 15yr in Slo)
  • Adria Airways (applications)
  • Elan (applications)
  • DDC (applications)
  • BTC (applications)
  • DrogaKolinska exDroga (identity system, applications)
  • Zavarovalnica Maribor (applications)
  • FIMARA (visual identity system FIMAR doo applications)
  • Višnja Gora (Jubilee, image, slogan, applications)
  • City swimming pool Višnja Gora (identity, applications, consultancy)
  • SDE Slovenia (visual identity system SDE Slovenia, consultancy)
  • KNG Slovenia (applications, illustrations)
  • Etc
 In Slovene, with links to some visuals:
  • NUK Nacionalna in univerzitetna knjižnica (Svetovanje, Projekt podobe osrednjega kulturnega dogodka ob vstopu SLO v EU: razstava Rojstni list slovenske kulture– izvirniki Brižinskih, Stiških, Čedadskih in Celovških rokopisov – natečaj GG, Projekt podobe, postavitve in aplikacij razstave Trubarjev in Ungnadov dar Evropi + Novi Trubar – natečaj G, podoba monografije Zakladi NUK G)
  • Generalni Sekretariat Vlade RS (Projekt sistema vidne podobe Partnerstva Slovenskega Predsedovanja EU 2008, svetovanje, aplikacije)
  • Kabinet predsednika Vlade RS (Podoba zelene meje SLO/HR – natečaj, Semafor vlade 2010, press ozadja) GG
  • Urad Vlade RS za komuniciranje (Kreativno vodenje, sistem podobe in aplikacije Predsedovanja Slovenije EUSG, prireditev uvedbe EVRA 07 GG, podoba obiska britanske kraljice Elizabete II. 08, podoba predsedniških volitev07, projekti: EU G, NATO – natečaj, svetovanje)
  • Ljubljanska Borza CEESEG (Sistem in kreativno vodenje vidne podobe Lj.Borza d.d. in sistem podznamk G, aplikacije G– natečaj, svetovanje) G
  • Občina Ivančna Gorica (Koncept, sistem podobe destinacije, aplikacije) G
  • Telekom Slovenije (podoba in izvedbe internega tednika, interni mesečnik, strip Tič G)
  • Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve RS (Podoba in postavitev dogodka Srečanje mediteranskih ministrov 07) G
  • Association Femmes d’Europe a.i.s.b.l., Brussels (aplikacije)
  • Svet Evrope (aplikacije)
  • Wiener Staedtische Versicherung AG Vienna Insurance Group, Podružnica Slovenija (internet, intranet, )
  • Iskra Sistemi (Urbani vitez)
  • TEM (Korporativni koncept, znamka Touch, aplikacije, svetovanje)
  • Belimed (Otvoritev, aplikacije, svetovanje)
  • Lek Sandoz (Sistem in kreativno vodenje vidne podobe Lek d.d. G, podznamke, vrsta aplikacij, ilustracije, svetovanje)
  • Muzejnovejše zgodovine Slovenije (razstava) G
  • Obrtna zbornica Slovenije (Podoba Obrtnega dovoljenja, aplikacije)
  • Konzulat Nove Zelandije (aplikacije) G
  • RAN, zobozdravstvo (Sistem vidne podobe, aplikacije, internet)
  • Elvez (Sistem vidne podobe Elvez d.o.o., internet, aplikacije, ilustracije, podoba objekta, korpo video,svetovanje) GGGG
  • Bankart (Sistem vidne podobe Bankart)
  • Emporium – Magistrat International (aplikacije podobe in oglaševanje) G
  • Grosuplje (Sistem vidne podobe Grosuplje – natečaj) GG
  • Društvo za odnose z javnostmi Slovenije (Sistemi vidnih podob Primus G, Skoj, Prizma, konferencG, aplikacije)
  • Cankarjev dom (aplikacije)
  • Ministrstvo za delo in družino RS (aplikacije)
  • Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo RS (aplikacije)
  • Društvo ženevskih slovencev (internet strani)
  • British-Slovene Society (Podoba, internet, aplikacije)
  • Mestno kopališče Višnja Gora (Podoba, aplikacije, svetovanje) G
  • SDE Slovenije (Sistem vidne podobe SDE Slovenije, svetovanje)
  • KNG Slovenije (aplikacije, ilustracije)
  • Sindikat delavcev prometa in zvez Slovenije (Sistem vidne podobe, aplikacije)
  • ZSSS (aplikacije)
  • Marcus Ferrar Business Communications (aplikacije)
  • Družinsko naselje Podgora (Sistem vidne podobe naselja, aplikacije, oglaševanje G, svetovanje)
  • Galerija ARS (aplikacije)
  • Novo Nordisk (oglaševanje ob 15 let v SLO)
  • AX elektronika (Sistem vidne podobe AX, aplikacije)
  • Zavarovalnica Maribor (aplikacije)
  • Fimara (Sistem vidne podobe Fimara d.o.o., aplikacije)
  • Višnja Gora (jubilej, podoba, slogan, aplikacije) G
  • Adria Airways (aplikacije) G
  • Elan (aplikacije) G
  • Forming studio (aplikacije)
  • Forming studio design (aplikacije, oglaševanje) G
  • Domodrom (oglaševanje) G
  • DDC (aplikacije)
  • BTC (aplikacije)
  • ex Studio Etic (Sistem vidne podobe Etic, aplikacije, ilustracije)
  • Mond (Sistem vidne podobe Mond d.o.o., aplikacije, oglaševanje, svetovanje)
  • ex Peras (Sistem vidne podobe Peraso. G, aplikacije, aplikacije Furla Gin Alberto Guardiani, podoba DUX G, oglaševanje G, aplikacije, svetovanje)
  • ex Emona Obala (Sistem in kreativno vodenje vidne podobe Emona Obala d.d., vrsta aplikacij – natečaj, svetovanje) GG
  • G3 spirits (aplikacije) G
  • Allied Domecq (aplikacije)
  • A7 (aplikacije)
  • Hobby program, Tukano (aplikacije)
  • Papirnica Vevče B&B (aplikacije)
  • ex Droga (aplikacije, ilustracije) G
  • Gallus Carniolus (aplikacije)
  • ex Lek Kozmetika (aplikacije, oglaševanje) GG
  • Luna, Studio Marketing (storyboard, ilustriranje)
 Art vs. designArt, even art which specifically aims to convey a specific message, is at its core an aesthetic endeavour.Design is the application of artistic principles to technology, utilising techniques proven by data to provide a measurable solution.