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Evelina Ferrar

Reminder for two London events: VTIS on 25 April and Andrej Šifrer on 27 April

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VTIS  (Slovenians Educated Abroad) are organising a spring gathering in London. It will be held on Thursday 25 April 2024 from 6:30 pm at Vinegar Yard, 72-82 St Thomas St, London SE1 3QX.

They are inviting members of the British-Slovene Society to join in. Do come for a bite/drink and stimulating company!



The Slovenian House in London is inviting:

On 27th April an exhibition of 70 years of Andrej Šifrer will be opened and followed by a musical gathering. The exhibition will take place in the Slovenian House at 62 Offley Road and the concert in Wheatsheaf community hall near Vauxhall.  Dave Cooke, a musician from London is going to play with Andrej. Also, the Slovene Choir led by Kaja Pečnik will sing at the start and together with Andrej. It should be fun for non-Slovene speaking folks as well.

There is no entrance fee, but registration on Eventbrite online is required:

Reserve the date: BSS picnic in Henley on 7th July

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On Sunday 7th July, the British-Slovene Society will hold its Annual Picnic at Gillotts Field, Henley-on-Thames, RG9 1PT. This is the third time we will meet by the traditional Slovene hayrack (kozolec) built by Slovene artisans in 2021.

Save the date now. Bring family, friends, food, drink and good cheer to share with everybody. We expect friends in Henley to join us in our celebration.

The video above shows a traditional folklore group from Bled in Slovenia performing at last year’s Picnic. Bled is twinned with Henley.

Andrej Šifrer in London on 27 April

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The Slovenian House in London is inviting:

On 27th April an exhibition of 70 years of Andrej Šifrer will be opened and followed by a musical gathering. The exhibition will take place in the Slovenian House at 62 Offley Road and the concert in Wheatsheaf community hall near Vauxhall.  Dave Cooke, a musician from London is going to play with Andrej. Also, the Slovene Choir led by Kaja Pečnik will sing at the start and together with Andrej. It should be fun for non-Slovene speaking folks as well.

There is no entrance fee, but registration on Eventbrite online is required:

Record turnout for BSS Prešeren Evening with Vlado Kreslin on 2nd March

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114 people took part in the British-Slovene Society’s annual Prešeren Evening with singer-songwriter Vlado Kreslin at the Ambassadors Hotel in London on 2nd March. This was more than ever before in the three decades of our existence.


After a Drinks Reception, we sang the Slovenian national anthem Zdravljica and dinner was served with Slovenian wines. BSS Chairman David Lloyd spoke words of greeting, followed by Slovenian Ambassador Simona Leskovar. Then Kaja Pečnik and John Dawton recited a poem, the Slovenian Choir in the UK directed by Kaja sang, and Slovenian violinist Nikola Pajanović  gave a short recital. Finally Vlado Kreslin  brought the evening to a climax in his inimitable way.


Meanwhile a tombola organised by Andrej Ogorevc and Mateja Šömen raised a record £1,062 for Barka, the charity for people with special needs which we support in Slovenia. This is more than twice as much as ever before. For the tombola, Elan donated a pair of skis, Trimo gave a voucher for travel worth €500, and Riko donated a weekend stay at Škrabčeva domačija in Slovenia.


We acknowledge with thanks a grant from the Slovenian Government’s Office for Slovenians Abroad to help us stage events.

Photographs kindly taken by Anthony Dawton.

Ljubljana University presents Masters and Doctorate studies on 10th April

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Here is a message from Office for Slovenians Abroad:

Univerza v Ljubljani vabi na spletno predstavitev možnosti magistrskega in doktorskega študija na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Predstavitev bo potekala 10. aprila 2024 ob 14. uri v angleškem jeziku.

Na dogodku vam bodo predstavili koristne informacije o magistrskem in doktorskem študiju na Univerzi v Ljubljani, življenju v Sloveniji ter možnostih akademskega, kariernega in osebnega razvoja tako za sedanje študente Univerze v Ljubljani kot za tiste, ki nameravate študirati na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Predstavitev bo potekala v angleškem jeziku.

Za udeležbo na dogodku je obvezna prijava. Registrirate se lahko preko obrazca na spodnji povezavi. Pred dogodkom vam bodo poslali Zoom povezavo.

Vljudno vabljeni.

Več informacij najdete na naslednjih povezavah:


Alexander Mohar Csaky wins place on ASEF Fellowship Program 2024 Visit Slovenia

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We have received a note informing us that after a number of interviews Alexander Mohar Csaky has been accepted onto the ASEF Fellowship Program for this summer.

He is extremely excited to be given this opportunity. He is in his final year at Oxford reading Archeology & Anthropology. For him and his family this is very poignant as his grandfather (Valentin Mohar) would have been extremely proud.

He wishes this to be mentioned on our website to encourage others to apply. Therefore we publish the information about the programme again should anybody else wish to apply:

The ASEF Visit Slovenia scholarship program is a one-year initiative offering young individuals the opportunity for a 10-week working or research visit at a Slovenian university, company, or research institute within their field of study or expertise. Scholarship recipients will collaborate with Slovenian professors, project mentors, and fellow members of the professor’s research team. The program’s primary objective is to provide talented young individuals with Slovenian heritage a chance for professional growth while immersing themselves in the culture, language, and research environment of Slovenia. Additionally, scholarship recipients will engage with Slovenes and Slovenian communities and participate in events organized by ASEF.

Applications for the scholarship program are open to students enrolled in accredited higher education institutions, regardless of their field of study, as well as other young individuals with Slovenian roots residing abroad. Knowledge of the Slovenian language and familiarity with Slovenia is recommended but not mandatory. Typical applicants may include undergraduate, master’s, or doctoral students from the United States, Canada, Argentina, or any other country.

The call for applications for the 2024 ASEF Visit Slovenia scholarship program can be found at the following link:

Booking closes on 23 February for Prešeren Evening with Vlado Kreslin, 2nd March, London

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This is to remind you that booking will close at midday on Friday 23rd February for the British-Slovene Society’s Annual Prešeren celebration with Vlado Kreslin.

  • Saturday 2nd March 2024. Drinks from 6 pm, dinner at 6:50 pm.
  • Ambassadors Bloomsbury Hotel, 12 Upper Woburn Place, London WC1H 0HX (undergrounds Euston, Euston Square, King’s Cross, Russell Square)

The capacity of  the hotel is limited, and it’s first come first served.

Despite inflation, we are keeping rates unchanged from last year:

Paid up BSS Members £62, non-Members £77, students and under-18s £39

For that you will enjoy a drinks reception, a three-course dinner with wine, Vlado Kreslin’s concert and a tombola with all sorts of attractive prizes.

Note: if you become a Member now, you benefit from the Member’s lower rate. Membership costs £15 per year, and £25 for families.

Reserve your places now using the online Application Form

If you wish to make up your own party, you can indicate this in the Application Form. You can also advise any special dietary requirements.

The tombola will benefit Barka, the charity for people with special needs that we support in Slovenia.

We look forward to welcoming you!

We are grateful to the Government of the Republic of Slovenia for supporting this event with a grant.


Trustees of the British-Slovene Society

Studies at Slovenian universities

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A message from the Office for Slovenians Abroad for people interested in studying in Slovenia:

Vas zanima študij na univerzah v Sloveniji? Vljudno vabljeni na februarsko izvedbo spletnih predstavitev. Predstavitev, ki jo pripravlja ekipa Study in Slovenia, bo v četrtek, 15. februarja 2024, ob 14. uri in je namenjena prav Slovencem v zamejstvu in po svetu.

V okviru predstavitev bodo kandidatom predstavili uporabne informacije glede študija in življenja v Sloveniji. Prav tako bodo udeleženci imeli priložnost, da se prek spleta srečajo s predstavniki Univerze v Ljubljani (UL), Univerze v Mariboru (UM), Univerze na Primorskem (UP) in Univerze v Novi Gorici (UNG). Predstavitev bo potekala v slovenskem jeziku.

Če bi želeli prisluhniti predstavitvi v angleščini, predlagamo, da se virtualno povežete z organizatorji v sredo, 14. februarja 2024, ob 14. uri.

Za udeležbo na predstavitvah se je potrebno prijaviti prek spletne prijavnice.