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A letter from the Delegation of the European Union to the United Kingdom

By January 4, 2021No Comments

Here is a letter we received from the Delegation of the European Union to the United Kingdom:

Dear Colleagues, Friends and Slovenian citizens at the British Slovene Society,

My name is Angela, writing to you from the European Union Delegation to the UK in London – a very Happy New Year to you.

You are well aware that as a result of Brexit, Slovenian citizens and their family members must apply for a new immigration status under the UK Government’s EU Settlement Scheme if they intend to continue to live in the UK. Failing to do so will result in these citizens not having an immigration status in the UK beyond 30 June 2021.

Vulnerable groups of citizens – such as the elderly, those with lower digital literacy and limited access to the online application process, children in care, those with lower levels of English, those who live in poverty and many more) – may not be aware that they need to take action and could find it more challenging to submit an application for the new status. Furthermore, in the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic helping citizens through face-to-face contacts has become more difficult than ever.

In order to get information to those who need this the most the EU Delegation has published a series of information leaflets which are available here:

We understand that you may have had the capacity before Covid-19 to reach Slovenian citizens in the UK. In case you still can, we’d be grateful if you could share the above online publications through your channels.

Also, we’re translating all our publications to Slovenian and are also able to send print copies in bulk for free to a select number of organisations that may still be able to hand these out.

If you or your organisation / group would be interested receiving print copies could you please signal this by sending an e-mail to as soon as you can, providing the following information:

–        Your name, your organisation’s name, telephone number and delivery address

–        The type of leaflet you are interested in (currently the above 3 are available)

–        The EU languages in which you would like to receive these (by default we’d send English copies)

–        The number of copies that you’d want to receive (there are usually 200 copies in a box and we can only send these by the box. Each box will need to contain the same language copies – i.e. at this stage unfortunately we cannot mix languages in a single box)

Thank you for any help raising awareness amongst Slovenian citizens and their family members.

With best wishes,



Angela Mammarella

Citizens’ Rights Support Agent

Delegation of the European Union to the United Kingdom


Office: 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU

Phone: +44 (0)20 7973 1933
