For members of the British-Slovene Society only:
Notice is hereby given that The Annual General Meeting of the British-Slovene Society will be held at 5 pm on Tuesday 15 June 2021 online via Zoom. Any member may join the session.
Ordinary Business
- To receive and adopt the Report of the Trustees and Accounts for the year ended 30 Sept 2020
- To re-elect the following as Trustees, who retire by rotation and are offered for re-election: Marcus Ferrar, Simona Bennett, Andrej Ogorevc.
- To appoint a Secretary for the forthcoming year. Miha Košak has indicated his willingness to continue in office.
- To appoint a Chairman for the forthcoming year. David Lloyd has indicated his willingness to continue in office.
- To approve the Minutes of the AGM held on 9 June 2020.
- Any Other Business.
Please confirm your attendance by email to: You will then be sent an invitation to join the Zoom session together with instructions. You may also receive BSS Accounts for the year ending 30th September 2020 and the Chairman’s Statement.
In case you cannot attend the AGM and wish to vote, please use the Form of Proxy: BSS-2021-AGM-Form-of-proxy
David Lloyd, Chairman
Dated: 10 May 2021