Christopher Wren’s Church of St. Martin Ludgate in central London once again provided a beautiful and historical setting for the British-Slovene Society’s annual service of Christmas Carols and Readings on 8th December. Trustee Kaja Pečnik brilliantly orchestrated the event, which took place in English and Slovene. Kaja’s Slovene Choir was in splendid voice, accompanied by organist Aljoša from Leeds. The service was conducted movingly by Father Luke Miller, Archdeacon of London. Afterwards the large congregation gathered for animated conversations around Slovene wine, potica cake and mince-pies. A collection raised over £200 for Barka, a Slovenian charity for people with special needs.
Our thanks go to Slovenian Ambassador Simona Leskovar, who personally donated a case of Slovene wine, to Chairman David Lloyd, Miha Košak and Živa Pečnik for their poticas, and to the Office for Slovenians Abroad for its financial support.